Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 4, 2013

Monday Magnetica

A Happy Place

After the intensity of juggling several projects and a super intense competition (and no weekends or sleep), it's great to finally be able to sit back and have only one project in front of me, and what better project than FPSC Reloaded!

I had a strategy meeting today to discuss overall plans and directions, and you will be pleased to hear that we are putting more eggs into the Reloaded basket and making sure it really delivers when the time comes.

Magnetic Mines

A new version of the magnetic proximity mines came in today which was great to see. You are still throwing them like grenades, but the mechanism is now there to throw, place, drop, hoist them where ever you please.  Mark will be working on a nice graphic so we can see them pulse dangerously and should make a great addition to your arsenal.

Due to recent comments from various social feeds, I have now been banned from showing early video footage of Reloaded prototypes. The decision has been made to only show videos that contain final or near final artwork which reflects what you will get in the finished product.

You will still get rants from me, and pictures, but video production and release has been handed to Rick so he can control the quality here.  I often commit the sin of thinking everyone looking at the videos can see past the obviously ancient art and imagine what it could be like, but of course the world does not work that way.

Signing Off

Meeting days always sap my energy so this will be a shorter blog (and day). I also worked to 4AM Sunday to finish my final UCCII blog post and video. I have done all I can bar some final external testing and tweaks to the installer and I hope the app behaves itself in front of the judges.

Here is a taster of what the final blog had in store for it's readers.  Often is the case the coolest stuff happens in the last five minutes, and the PerceptuCam app is no exception:

The above idea is the first stab at creating an instant visual cue from the gesture data before allowing the user to summon commands with the wave of a wand. It turns out that even though wands are fictitious story elements, they also make surprisingly good ways to produce accurate gestures!  It has also not escaped my thinking that once Reloaded V1 is out the door, adding gesture control to the create and play elements of FPSC is not such a bad idea. Until next time, have a good evening!

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