Lots of tweaks happened today, including Dave's completion of the CPU software occluder which is now working inside the main engine and culling objects left, right and everywhere. Added an extra control to SETUP.INI to control how many polygons are selected for the occlusion geometry which will help lower end systems use occlusion to suit their performance limitations. Also saw some good improvements to the weapons, making them feel a little better. My own work involved solving the issue of why the latest build did not run on some systems which turned out to be a stray debug DLL dependence, new code to control entity speed for non character entities so that the speed you see in the editor is the same as that in the game and perhaps my favorite completed item was the alpha slice in the editor which will remove the roof from buildings, and disable them from selection when the TAB is pressed to engage the mode which allows you to place tables and objects inside the entity building rooms. You will wonder how you managed before this extra little feature. Just zoom in, press TAB, select some furniture and start decorating!
Fixes from yesterday include enemy flinching and extra spurting blood when enemies shot, entity editing mode back into the F9 mode, strange 'grey screen' issue reproduced and fixed, muzzle flashes now line up with the gun no matter the FOV, improved fogging technique above (and below) the water line, reduced accuracy when shooting from the hip for default weapons and a few other minor tweaks to bring things closer to completion.
Due to a very insistent Ravey, I also added (actually re-instated HEADLIMBS field in the FPE) the head shot feature which will provide a X4 multiplier for any bullet that hits the head of any character. Combined with the new feature which recovers from iron-sight the moment you release the Right Mouse Button, you get a much better sense of combat. We also removed the ability to sprint and shoot at the same time, and when you put all these things together you get a much cooler game play experience. Obviously lots more to follow, but it's starting to take the shape of a serious FPS mechanism. Finally, we also fixed the annoying issue of running through the edge of the gate entity, so that now the physics shape lines up perfectly with the visible object geometry. A small but vital fix for this version.
We all have a myriad of tasks assigned for Wednesday, but my main task assigned will be the start of character ragdoll physics. I have budgeted a day but with the usual distractions it will probably leak into Thursday too, but the time has come when it becomes my sole task. The good news is that I have done ragdoll twice before for FPSC projects so third time should be a charm! I am not aiming for the full Monty ragdoll on this occasion, I will be looking to create a convincing 'fall over dead' simulation for situations when the enemy expires and falls up/down/off a hill, or over a crate or entity wall, or from a very high tower, or down some spiral stairs, or into the water, or in the middle of the sky. It's a lot to handle, but it should be fun to code and even more fun to test! If anyone wants to post some inspiring ragdoll YouTube footage to get my brain in the mood for some good ragdoll coding, post here and fuel the old fire.
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