One point we discussed at the meeting was the provision for more videos, and specifically for brief videos from my covering some essential aspect of the Reloaded engine in 1-2 minutes only. It could be how to best use occlusion, or how to increase performance on mid-range hardware. It occurs that you might like to see more videos, and so I am putting it to my readership that you might want to see videos instead of boring blog text, so would you trade daily blogs for the release of blog videos a few times week? Videos take much longer to prepare, record, edit and finally post, so I need to ensure this obligation consumes no more time than the current status quo. Feedback welcome!
In Reloaded news, I can report that I have seen some very cool graphics coming in the weeks and months. Probably secret right now so no posts here, but expect to see previews of them soon through the forum, news bulletins and newsletter.
Also been making more tweaks and fixes to ensure the A.I is good to play, and I have a feeling we will sit on this version until we get it right. It's already looking good, but we still want it better. Going to make another internal build in the next hour and then we will see how much we still need to do before we can start thinking about a release version.
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