Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 5, 2014

Weirdo Lee Does Like Kettles

It's been a day of testing our internal build and it has gone well. We found three show stoppers, all fixed and the latest build (BUILD D) is almost ready for our internal alpha testers.  It creates, loads, saves, plays and edits fine and although I am sure there are still gremlins in there, it's solid and worthy of a wider field test.

Speaking of fields, here is my field of organic Kettles. Don't ask me why I created it, and why I shared it. I just wanted to make lots of kettles.

I've currently been struggling with the issue of why one of the models we are working on for the new Zombie Pack is exhibiting strange tangent and bi-normal vectors. After much ado, it is not the normal map or the base geometry which leaves the generated TN and BN vectors.  Going to go back to school now and learn all about them, and the various methods used to generate from a model that did not start with them, and how an arbitrary normal map can take advantage of them to create gorgeous art!  

One day I will succeed in creating the ultimate Kettle entity, employing state of the art shaders and textures, and most importantly, able to brew a nice cuppa.  Along the way we might augment it a little to make it roll about the landscape shooting steam at passers by.  When we say you can create anything your imagination can conceive, we mean it literally!

For more information on this insane project, visit Reloaded at: as it occurs to me in all these blogs I don't mention the site at all ;)

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