Plenty of stuff done this week, with great work done on cover AI making the enemies look very smart, that is, they hide behind stuff so they don't get shot. Ravey has been confined to continue this AI work until we are beyond the goal post for making a great game play experience.
For myself I have been knocking a few things off the list, and putting more focus on general game logic tweaks and improvements. We have a new marker called Cover Zone which you can place behind any object in the game, and the AI will use these as clues as to the best places to hide when attacking the player. The automated AI system also calculates the best cover positions from the overall geometry too so you get the best of both world.
Also got a cool email from our Character artist with a sneak peek at a new official character, and after using the same Solider for months and months, I am sure you will be tugging at the leash for this one.
As you can imagine, our newly named Rocket Man Character will be wielding a huge rocket launcher as his preferred weapon, which means rockets, explosions, explosion forces, debris, smoke particles and fire. As you might imagine I am looking forward to starting this work!!
Aside from some tinkering at the weekend, my work for Monday will be finishing off the title pages system to wrap standalones with the required title, loading, end pages, options menus and the various screens you need to make a game rounded and feel complete.
Until then however, I am putting my tools away and walking into the baking sun to see what the outside world looks like...
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