Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 6, 2014

Watch Out - Zombie Cop!

Another good day of work today, with some improvements to overall terrain shader rendering speed by adding a technique which saves frames on the fact that more distant pixels need less detail, and by switching to a shader technique that only did what was needed at a distant point we gain FPS. It's not the 'double' frame rate I was hoping for, far from it, but it's a measurable boost and I'm having it.

Also managed to solve the export issues for the new characters coming to Reloaded soon so we're one less obstacle from release here. I have included a shot from my testing. Ugly fellow ain't he?

A batch of other issues have also been dealt with and an internal build has been created in advance of showing our internal alpha testers.  I anticipate one more build and then we might have something we can proudly call a HOT FIX aka V1.0071.

My Live Interview starts at 8PM so I have some time to walk the dog, grab a bite and practice looking 'knowledgeable' in the mirror.  Before that though, I have to check out a few trees now we have a new tree collision system I need to check a few dozen of them. Make sure I cannot put my head through 'em :)

For those interested in the live show, be here at 8PM BST:

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