Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 6, 2014

Meeting Day And Live Interview Prep

Big meeting day today so no coding from me. Ravey did some cool AI fixes and occlusion cache work and Simon embellished our two-compounds level with new eye candy, plus drew up plans for the creation of a LOT more art for the modern day assets!  More on this as it happens.

Spent the PM side of my day in a rehearsal for the live interview event that will take place on Wednesday. If you would like to join in, here are the details:

* Live Q&A with Lee at 8pm UTC (12pm Pacific) Wednesday June 4
* If you have questions, use the hashtag #IDZLive on Twitter or Google Plus before or during the Q&A
* Or, post your questions live using Google Hangouts

The Link:

My plan Tuesday is a full day of enjoyable coding, where I will be adding a technique I am calling 'Very Low' terrain and entity shading, along with a slider you can er, slide, which will reduce the fragment shader complexity of whole chunks of geometry in the scene. The upshot is that we will be able to increase the performance by further reducing the need for expensive shader code in the distance.  I will also add transition code to the main shader so the transition between the two techniques is smoothed out and I will strike a default slider setting which will hopefully create a transition you do not notice. The benefit of this will potentially yields the greatest single FPS boost we have so far achieved, but it's all theory so far so come back in 30 hours to this blog to find out what happened.

I also got my confirmation for attendance at IDF 2014, so if anyone is in San Francisco between the 9th and 11th of September, drop a tweet, post or comment and you can buy me a Guinness ;)  Right now I have no plans to present, speak or showcase right now so I will mostly be wearing my party hat and party grin, talking about Reloaded to anyone who will listen and becoming a regular developer attending sessions and learning a bunch of stuff.  Always a good event and am now looking forward to what will probably be my only holiday this year :)

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