Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 1, 2014

More UMDH Fun and Some Flooding


Found and filled in some more leakage, including some old Quad Reduction terrain stuff to save another 2MB per test game button press. Also found that each test game, all characters would be given 'new' weapons to hold, leaking the old ones into the background. This UMDH is pretty cool, allowing me to see every allocation and the stack trace responsible for those allocations in a single call, and then do a side by side comparison between snapshots any time I want. Pretty neat!  It's all command line stuff, but I'm happy there too. 

Will continue adding more and more to the test game scenarios until I have plugged all the large MB leaks. I am seeing LOTS of very small byte leaks with untraceable stack instructions buried in drivers I have nothing to do with, but I am ignoring those for now as it would take over 100 test game presses to leak a few MB as it stands now.  When we've solved bigger fish, we will come back to these little fish and see where they are coming from.


Had a flood today, first time in 30 years apparently. Here is a nice shot of my back garden path:

Who knows, one day this could be an FPSC Reloaded screenshot ;)  And here is another shot for the time we have destructible scenery.

To put this into context, all those stone pillars where upright yesterday, and had been since WW2!  As I had the privilege of being right in the middle of it, I decided to take a video of the culprit waves who were out in force this morning at 8AM.

The good news is that I did not float away, the power and internet stayed on and apart from a few close calls, the flood water made it's way 'around and under' my house instead of through it. One advantage to having a house on stilts me thinks ;)

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