Found some issues with the Standalone Saving when different levels where submitted so had to spend half a day sorting that out. Works much better now and here is another Rift shot for you Rifters, created by saving out a simple level then adding RIFTMODE=1 to the SETUP.INI file.
I spent most of the day however on the Player Start Marker properties, so now you can set the speed of the player and the fall hurt distance which both work fine. I still need to improve the sound effects for leap, land, hurt and die, and I need to add some suitable player HUD damage reaction when you fall too far to back-up the hurt sound and impact.
I also have an inbox with about ten TODO items in there, but none of them are on my Reloaded Priority A task list so they will just have to wait ;)
Not sure if I will do some work at the weekend as it's been a packed one I think. Rift, Standalone, LOD fixes and two key prototypes out the door is not bad for five days. I have some PC's to augment/repair, an attic to carpet and a nice LONG walk planned either SAT or SUN, so we will see how much Play and how much Work prevails. Hopefully I can get to 'research' Assassin's Creed III which dropped on the doormat a few days ago.
Only did 1.4 miles today as I was picking my car up from the nearby garage and of course I was on wheels coming back which halved my journey. I would have gone out again, but it was seriously raining and I did not want to drown the doggy.
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