Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 1, 2014

Our first ALPHA CASCADE - Be Ready!


A good day of work, although I should probably have spent it testing. Instead you will be treated to a new feature of the new 3D Editing Mode which allows entities to be summoned, moved and deleted while in First Person mode. It's pretty cool but will obviously need some fine tuning as we build on this approach to level design.  I am happy with the first version of it, and I am looking forward to the feedback from the community on whether it's useful or not.  Apart from that, this evening will be about testing, uploading the alpha to all Gold pledgers and getting it all done before midnight.

Also proof read the next Reloaded Newsletter which is crammed with news and insights so I think you will like that!


Went for a short walk. I would have liked it to be longer but it's Alpha night and I need to get it out the door (and tested).  Hopefully it won't be a long one and then I can prepare myself for a relaxing weekend. Going up to a lake near a hill near here, which is a LONG trek but a great place when you get there. Taking some sardies and an egg or two. I am in training for a ski trip early Feb and need my legs to ensure five days of pistes!

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